



A 原子力利用の管理機構


B 原子力関係法規




C 研究開発の現状





D 原子力関係予算


E 原子力平和利用に関する民間研究体制



F 日本における長期電力需給想定からみた原子力発電への期待


 この観点から、今後数年以内に動力用実験炉(Power Demonstration Reactor)を設置し、できるだけ早期に原子力発電の実用化を図り、10年以降には相当の規模で原子力発電を開発して電力供給の一翼を担いうるよう準備態勢を急ぐ必要があると考えられている。

Atomic Energy Utilization in Japan

A. Administrative Organization For Atomic Energy Utilization

 The study of fundamental physics (including nuclear physics) was started in comparatively early days in Japan and it has been weil known that the fruitful attacks on the problems in theoretical physics were brought up to an advanced level comparable with the other advanced countries in the world before the World War II.

 However, the first official organ established, to undertake the studies and investigations of the peaceful use of atomic energy was the Preparatory Council on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy established in the Cabinet in May 3.954. This Council had. made thorough deliberations on the policies and measures for the research and development of atomic energy in Japan, which was continued over one and a half years since then.

 To meet the racent situation and requirements, this Council was dissolved at the end of 1955, and the Atomic Energy Commission was newly inaugurated, on January 1, 1956, as the supreme administrative organization for atomic energy in Japan; At the sametime, the Atomic Energy Bureau was established in the Prime Minister's Office, as an administrative agency to carry out general admistrative functions regarding atomic energy.

 The Commission is authorized, to make deliverations and determinations of fundamental poiicy for atomic energy and make recommendation to the Prime Minister of its decision. The Commission is composed of a Chairman, who shall be ft Stale Minister, and four members who shall be appointed by the Prime Minister with the consent of the Diet.

B. Atomic Energy Law and related regulations

 The Basic Atomic Energy Law to effectuate the fundamental national policy for atomic energy in Japan was promulgated on December 19, 1955 (effective January 1, 1956). In the Law, it is declared. that the development and utilization of atomic energy in this country shall be limited to peaceful purposes only, and they shall be made under democratic administration, independently, and the results shall open to the public and they shall contribute to international co-operation.

 The Law also provides for the establishment of the Atomic Energy Research Institute and the Nuclear Fuel Corporation, in addition to the Atomic Energy Commision.

 In accordance with the Atomic Energy Law, the bills for the Atomic Energy Research Institute Law, the Nuclear Fuel Corporation Law, and the Source Material Development Promotion Law are scheduled to be submitted to the present session of the Diet, and necessary rules and regulations are now being prepared.

C. Present Status of Research and Development

 In the past, research and development of neccessary materials such as graphite and heavy water for atomic energy development has been carried out in this country, mainly by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Manipulators and measuring instruments neccessary for atomic energy work are being manufactured.

 While as a central research organization for atomic energy, the Atomic Energy Research Institute, Inc. was established at the end of November 1955. This Institute is now making Selection of site for reactors and laboratory, preparation of personnels and necessary procedure and preparation for the installation of a Water Boiler type Reactor (about 50 kW in heat capacity-scheduled to be installed in 3.956) and a CP-5 type Reactor (about 1,000kW in heat capacity- scheduled to he installed in 1957) which are to be imported from the United States in accordance with the bilateral agreement for Atomic Energy between Japan and the United States of America.

 When the Atomic Energy Research Institute Law becomes effective, the present Institute Inc. will be reorganized into a special public Corporation in accordance with the Law.

 In Japan, studies and experiments on nuclear physics had been suspended for a while after the termination of the World War II. In the meantime, they were restarted.

 At Present, the following cyclotrons are being operated or completed ; Scientific Research Institute (4 Mev), Osaka University (12 Mev) Kyoto University (3,6 Mev) and Tokyo University (4 Mev).

 Furthermore, a synchrocyclotron (70 Mev) which is under construction with indigenous materials and technique will be installed at the National Nuclear Laboratory. The constructions of this laboratory was started in July 3,955- In Japan, applications of radioisotopes in medical and agricultural fields had been carried out from early days, and their application in industrial fields have been rapidly expanded recently.

 This expanded utilization of isotope have increased imports up to about 30 million yen a year, which ranks at comparatively high level in the world.

D. Budget for Atomic Energy Programs.

 The total amount budgetted for the two fiscal years of 1954 and 3.955 for the atomic energy program was about 600 million yen, but the amount budgetted for 1956 will be increased up to 3,620 million yen. With this amount, the early completion of the above-mentioned Atomic Energy Research Institute and the training of scientists and engineers are mainly contemplated.

E. Civilian Participation in Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy.

 Studies and investigations for the peaceful use of atomic energy have been carried out by some groups in private enterprises', but recently these groups in different kinds of industries have been integrated into specialized groups (such as electric power group, heavy industry group, shipbuilding group etc.), and they are tending to make coordinations in studies and investigations on common problems.

 Under such circumstances, Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. is going to be established SB a powerful private organization, and the above-mentioned study groups and various kinds of private industries, having interests in atomic energy development, will participate in the Forum.

 Particularly, electric utilities in Japan are observed to have special interest in the development of atomic power generation ; the Electric Power Development Company and the nine electric power companies have their own study organizations for atomic power generation respectively in the companies.

 In addition to them, there is a liaison agency in the public utilities council which is a liaison organization between the utilities and the opinions and problems for atomic power generation are being collected and regulated.

F. Expectations for atomic power generation from the view-point of a long-range forecast of power demand and supply in Japan.

 The power requirement in Japan is registering a growing trend, showing an average annual rate of increase of 9% during the period of the recent several years.

 According to the 5 Year Economic Program, it is estimated that power requirement will increase at an annual average rate of 6.3% until I960. Although further forecast after I960 is difficult, the annual increase rate seems to decline gradually in the future. Even in case of the rate gradually decrease down to 5%, then 4%, the nation's power requirement will be doubled in 15 years, and 2.5 times in 20 years. To meet such future power requirements, it is necessary to continue to develop about one million kilowatts of capacity annually, while the exploitation of Japan's hydro and coal resources is reaching the limit.

 As for hydro power resources, the total potential hydro power resources officially estimated is 22 million kilowatts, of which major economical sites will be mostly developed within 15 to 20 years from now, if the development would be continued at the present rate. On the other hand, judging from the meager deposit of coal in this country, the amount of coal available for coal-fired power generation has some limits, qualitatively and qualitatively as well as from the view point of coal price. Therefore, coal-fired power generation is considered to reach its limits, physically as well as economically, within 10 years henceforth, From these view points, it is considered necessary to construct Power Demonstration Reactors within a few years from now and realize economical atomic power generation as early as possible, in order to make thorough preparation to be capable of supplying part of power requirement by the development of atomic power generating plants of considerable size after 10 years from now.