
1 政府は、米国原子力委員会と研究用特殊核物質の売買に関する協定を結ぶため交渉をすすめていたが、このほどまとまり、8月31日(日本時間)ワシントンで在米大使館の鶴見公使と米国原子力委員会のクラッツア(Myron B.Kratzer)国際部長が日米研究用特殊核物質売買協定に署名した。

2 わが国の原子炉その他の原子力施設において燃料その他として使用される特殊核物質の米国からの入手は、昭和33年6月16日に署名された「原子力の非軍事的利用に関する協力のための日本国政府とアメリカ合衆国政府との間の協定」(同年10月9日に署名された議定書および昭和38年8月7日に署名された議定書により改正)第5条および第7条の規定に基づき、賃貸借又は売買の形式で行なわれているが、このため現在まで賃貸借協定が7協定、売買協定が3協定結ばれている。このうち売買協定3協定(うち2協定は研究用特殊核物質売買協定である。)は、協定に記載された特定の原子力施設において使用される特殊核物質の売買を対象としたものである。最近上記以外の研究施設における特殊核物質の需要が増加したところ、米国原子力委員会は少量の特殊核物質についてはこれを賃貸によらず売却により供給する方針を有しているため、その購入のための包括的協定の締結につき昭和38年8月から米国原子力委員会と交渉中であったが、今般その案文について意見の一致をみるに至ったので近くワシントンにおいてわが国代表と同委員会代表との間で署名を行なった。

3 今次の売買協定は、前3協定と異なり、複数の原子力施設における研究目的のための特殊核物質の売買に共通した基本条件を定める包括的協定である。同協定により、新たに研究目的のために必要な量(原則として一件につきウラン235量にして10キログラム)の特殊核物質を同協定附属書の条件に従い、個別の補足契約により随時購入することが可能となる。

4 研究用特殊核物質の売買に関する前記の2協定によりわが国がこれまで米国から購入した研究用特殊核物質は、ウラン235が43.88グラム(18件)、プルトニウムが180.30グラム(4件)、ウラン233が4.13グラム(3件)である。昭和40年度および昭和41年度に見込まれる研究用特殊核物質の需要量は、ウラン235が953グラム、プルトニウムが5,700.2グラム、ウラン233が48.1グラムであるが、なお、このほか、賃貸借協定により現在賃借しているウラン235約45キログラムをこの協定による売却に切り換える予定である。




A この協定の附属書に定める規定は、協力協定の一般的権限の範囲内で売主と買主との間で随時締結される一定の研究目的のための特殊核物質の売買に関する両当事者の補足契約について、以下に定めるところに従って適用される。

B この協定の有効期間中に締結される前記の物質に関する補足契約は、この協定がその補足契約について適用されることに言及し、かつ、その言及によりこの協定を同契約の一部とするものとする。その補足契約は、同物質、その用途、料金、合衆国の輸出港並びに引渡し及び船積みに関して適用される指示を掲げる規定、並びに、その契約において明示的に修正される場合を除くほか、この協定の規定からなるものとする。

C 両当事者の意図は、この協定を補足する契約により特殊核物質の売買について規定することであるので、この協定のいかなる規定も、両当事者に対して特殊核物質を売却し又は購入する義務を負わせるものとみなしてはならない。

D いずれの一方の当事者も、他方の当事者に対する書面による60日の予告により、この協定を終了させることができる。この協定は、この規定により前もって終了する場合を除くほか、1967年6月30日に終了する。

E 売主が国内の購入者に対し売却により特殊核物質の配給を開始する時には、両当事者は、いずれか一方の当事者の要請により、この協定について相互に受諾しうる修正であって特殊核物質の国内販売に適用される売主の政策に合致するものを行なうために、相互に協議する。

F この協定の削除、修正若しくは追加又はその終了は、それまでに両当事者間に締結された契約で、引用によりこの協定をその一部としているものに影響を及ぼすものではない。

G この協定は、1958年6月16日にワシントンで署名された原子力の非軍事的利用に関する日本国政府とアメリカ合衆国政府との間の協力に関する協定(改正を含む。この協定において「協力協定」という。)に基づき締結される。

H この協定の附属書及び売買契約書式例(1/20/64)は、この協定の不可分の一部と認められる。





I 定義

A 「基本料」とは、この協定に基づく個々の取引が行なわれる時に有効な標準形状及び仕様の特殊核物質の単位当たりのドルの額で、売主が随時合衆国連邦官報に公表する価格表に定めるものをいう。

B 「売主の確定仕様」とは、特殊核物質の純度その他の物理的又は化学的特性についての仕様で、売主が随時合衆国連邦官報に公表するものをいう。

C 「売主の確定した価格政策」とは、この協定に基づく個々の取引が行なわれる時に適用されている価格又は料金で、(i)売主が合衆国連邦官報に公表するもの又は、(ii)公表された数字がない場合には、売主の価格政策に従って決定されるものをいう。その写しは、買主の要請により提供される。委員会の公表された価格及び料金は、随時改正することができる。

D 「価格」とは、当該特殊核物質が標準形状および仕様のものであるかどうかを問わず、売主の適用される基本料にその物質の単位数及びその端数を乗ずることにより決定されるドルの額をいう。

II 物質の仕様及び形状


III 引渡し

A 売主は、買主の要求により、買主が手配する運送者を通じて直接買主に対し、又は処理、加工若しくは買主のためのその他の役務のために買主が雇用し若しくは手配するアメリカ合衆国の契約者に対し、この協定に基づく補足契約の実施に必要な量の特殊核物質を提供する。

B 買主に直接提供される物質に関し、売主は、買主が手配する運送者に対し、要求される条件、料金および許可要件に従い、売主の施設においてf.o.bの商業的運送条件によりその物質を引き渡す。買主が手配する運送者に対する容器に入れた物質の引渡しは、買主に対するその物質及び容器の引渡しとみなされる。買主又はその授権された代理人は、その引渡しの時に、そのための適当な受領書に署名し、その物質につき完全な責任を負う。運送者は、売主が買主と協議の後指定するアメリカ合衆国の輸出港にその物質を運送する。売主は、その後直ちに、その物質の買主に対する輸出を許可するために必要な措置を執る。

C 処理、加工又は買主のためのその他の役務のために買主の合衆国の契約者に対して提供される物質に関し、売主は、その物質を売主の施設において提供する。ただしその物質が契約者自身の在庫から取り出される場合はこの限りでない。買主は、契約者による役務提供の完了後直ちに、その特殊核物質の同位元素含有分及び量についての契約者の決定の証明書を契約者から売主に提出させる。買主は、売主による前記の証明書の受領後、前記の合衆国の契約者を通じて、売主が買主と協議の後指定する合衆国の輸出港へのその物質の運送及び引渡しについて手配する。その物質の運送は、別段の合意がない限り、買主の売主に対すろ書面による30日の予告の後行なわれ、かつ、売主が要求する条件及び許可要件に従う。売主は、その物質の輸出港への到着後直ちに、その物質を買主に引き渡すため及びその輸出を許可するために必要な措置を執る。アメリカ合衆国内及び同国外の運送及び引渡しのすべての費用(容器及び荷造りの費用を含む。)、その物質のすべての保管費並びに当該引渡しに関連するその物質の物理的取扱いに関するすべての手配は、買主の責任であり、売主の責任ではない。買主又はその正当に授権された代理人は、指定輸出港においてその物質の引渡しを受諾し、かつ、そのための適当な受領書に署名する。買主は、その後直ちに、その物質に含まれる特殊核物質について完全な責任を負う。

D この協定に基づいて売却される特殊核物質に対する権原は、特殊核物質がアメリカ合衆国の管轄を離れる時に、買主に帰属する。

IV 責任

A 特殊核物質がIIIBに定めるところにより買主の運送者に引き渡された後は、買主は、その物質の指定港への運送から生じ又は運送の結果として生ずる原因のいかんを問わないすべての責任(第三者に対する責任を含む。)について売主に対し損害を与えないようにし、かつ、その運送中のその物質の喪失又は損傷について及びその物質に関して売主が要求する料金(売主の確定した価格政策に従って決定される。)について売主に対して責任を負うものとする。ただし、日本国政府の責任は、協力協定の規定に従うものとする。この項のいかなる規定も、買主その他の者が1954年の合衆国原子力法(改正を含む。)の第170条に基づき有する権利を奪うものではない。

B この協定に基づく補足契約に従って売主が買主に引き渡す物質の応用又は使用は、買主の責任においてなされるものとし、売主は、その物質に関し又はそれが特定の使用若しくは応用に適合することに関し、明示、黙示又は法律上のいかなる保証も与えない。

V 引渡しの時


VI 支払


VII 物質の量及び物性の決定

A この協定に基づき売主が買主に売却する特殊核物質で、処理、加工又は又は買主のためのその他の役務のために買主が雇用し又は手配する契約者に対しIIICに従い提供されるものの物性は、売主がその契約者に提供するその特殊核物質の物性で、特殊核物質賃貸借協定又はその物質に関する売主と契約者との間のその他の供給取極に従い決定されるものと同一のものとみなされる。



C この協定に基づき売却される特殊核物質がIIIBに従い輸出港への直接運送のために買主が手配する運送者に対し売主の施設において引き渡される場合には、その特殊核物質の量及び物性は、売主が決定したものとする。その特殊核物質が売主の確定仕様に合致しないときは、合致しないことについての売主及び売主のために行動する者の責任及び補償義務は、適用される仕様に合致する特殊核物質を、売主が指定するアメリカ合衆国の施設において、その仕様に合致しない物質と引き替えに引き渡すことによってその相違を修正することのみに限定される。売主は、その仕様に合致しない物質を返還するためのこん包及び運送の合理的な経費並びにその仕様に合致する代替物質を運送するための運送料を買主に支払う。

D VIIの前諸項に従い決定される量および物性は、この協定の適用上最終的であり、かつ、拘束力を有するものとする。

E 売主の確定仕様に合致する特殊核物質を買主が雇用し又は手配する契約者に対しIIICに従い提供しなかったことについての売主および売主のために行動する者の責任および補償義務は、特殊核物質賃貸借協定又は売主とその契約者との間のその他の供給取極に基づく売主の契約者に対する補償義務および責任に限定される。

VIII 譲渡禁止


IX 受益を禁止される者


X 協力協定



 日本国政府(以下「買主」という。)は、アメリカ合衆国政府を代表して行動する合衆国原子力委員会(以下「売主」という。)から、1958年6月16日にワシントンで署名された原子力の非軍事的利用に関するアメリカ合衆国政府と日本国政府との間の協力に関する協定(改正を含む。)の条件に従い、かつ、1965年8月30日に署名されたアメリカ合衆国政府を代表して行動する合衆国原子力委員会と日本国政府との間の研究目的のための特殊核物質の売買に関する協定(同協定の規定は、その全文をこの契約中に含めたときと同様に、ここにこの契約の一部とされる。)に従い、次に記載する物質を購入することに同意し、売主は買主に対し同物質を売却することに同意する。この契約書に基づいて売却される物質は、      使用する。

   物質     料金

 受領者:      支払者:      .

 引渡し日:     運送に関する指示    .


  年 月 日 


  年 月 日




1 同協定附属書のIIIA及びCの規定に関し、同協定に基づき売却される特殊核物質で、日本国における許可された使用者に配分されるものについては、日本国政府は、その許可された使用者にその物質の運送者を雇用させ、かつ、その運送者に支払うべき費用並びにその物質の容器、取出し、荷造り、取扱い及び保管の費用を支払わせることができるものと了解される。さらに、日本国政府は、同協定に基づくその物質の引渡しに関連する運送の手配が適当に行なわれること並びにその費用並びにその物質の容器、取出し、荷造り、取扱い及び保管の費用が支払われることを確保する責任を同協定に基づき合衆国原子力委員会に対し常に負うものと了解される。

2 同協定附属書IVAの規定に関し、1954年の合衆国原子力法(改正を含む。)第11条rおよび第170条dに修正が行なわれる場合には、売主および買主は、その修正の結果同協定附属書IVAの規定の適用から生ずることがある問題につき相互に協議することが了解される。

3 同協定附属書IXの規定に関し、同条は、買主がその同意なしでアメリカ合衆国政府の裁判所の管轄に服することを意味する目的のものではないと了解される。ただし、前記の了解は、外国政府に係る訴訟に関し合衆国において行なわれている一般的規則をなんら変更する目的のものではない。





















   This Agreement is made this thirtith day of August, 1965 between the Governmnet of Japan (hereinafter called the "Purchaser") and the United States Atomic Energy Commission acting on behalf of the Government of the United States of America (hereinafter called the "Seller").

   Whereas, the Parties hereto desire to establish terms and conditions applicable to distribution by sale to the Purchaser of special nuclear material for research purposes pursuant to the Agreement for Cooperation hereinafter identified;

Whereas, this Agreement is authorized and executed on the part of the Seller under the United States Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended;

   Now therefore, the Parties hereto do mutually agree as follows:

A. The provisions set forth in the Attachment hereto shall apply as hereinafter provided to supplemental contracts of the Parties for sale and purchase of special nuclear material for defined research purposes from time to time concluded between the Seller and the Purchaser within the general authority of the Agreement for Cooperation hereinafter identified.

B. Supplemental contracts for such materials executed while this Agreement is in effect shall refer to this Agreement as applicable to the supplemental contract, and by such reference shall incorporate the same therein. Such contracts shall consist of provisions identifying the material, its use, charges, port of export from the United States, applicable delivery and shipping instructions, and the provisions of this Agreement except as expressly modified in such supplemental contracts.

C. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to obligate the Parties to sell or purchase special nuclear material, it being the intent of the Parties to provide for sale and purchase of special nuclear material by contracts supplemental to this Agreement.

D. Either party may terminate this Agreement upon sixty (60) days' notice in writing to the other Party. This Agreement shall terminate on June 30, 1967, unless previously terminated as provided above.

E. At such time as the Seller commences distribution of special nuclear material by sale to domestic purchasers, the Parties, upon request of either Party, will consult with each other with a view to effecting mutually agreeable modifications to this Agreement consistent with the Seller's policies applicable to its domestic sales of special nuclear material.

F. No deletion, modification or addition to this Agreement, or termination thereof shall affect any contracts theretofore entered into between the Parties  in which this Agreement is incorporated by reference.

G. This Agreement is entered into pursuant to the Agreement for Cooperation between the Government of Japan and the Government of the United States of America Concening Civil Uses of Atomic Energy, signed at Washington on June 16, 1958, as amended (herein called the "Agreement for Cooperation").

H. Attachment hereto and sample blank Contract of Sale form 1/20/64 are considered integral parts of this Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement.

DONE, at Washington, in duplicate in the Japanese and English language this thirtith day ot August, 1965.



TITLE :                   



TITLE :                   


I Definitions.

A. The term "base charge" means the dollar amount per unit of special nuclear material in standard form and specification in effect as of the time any particular transaction under this Agreement takes place as set forth in schedules published by the Seller in the United States Federal Register from time to time.

B. The term "Sellers established specifications" means the specifications for purity and other physical or chemical properties of special nuclear material as published by the Seller in the United States Federal Register from time to time.

C. The term "Seller's established pricing policy" means any applicable price or charge in effect at the time any particular transaction under this Agreement takes place (i) published by the Seller in the United States Federal Register, or (ii)in the absence of such a published figure, determined in accordance with the Sellers pricing policies, a copy of which will be furnished the purchaser upon request. The Commission's published prices and charges may be amended from time to time.

D. The term "value" means the dollar amount determined by multiplying the Seller's applicable base charge by the number of units, or fractions thereof, of special nuclear material involved, whether or not such material is in standard form and specification.

II Specification and Form of Material.

   Except as otherwise agreed, special nuclear material sold hereunder shall be furnished by the Seller in the Seller's standard chemical form for distribution of the material and in accordance with the Seller's established specifications as published in the United States Federal Register from time to time.

III Deliveries.

A. As the Purchaser may request, the Seller shall either furnish directly to the Purchaser through transporter arranged for by the Purchaser or to a contractor in the United States engaged or arranged for by the Purchaser for purposes of processing, fabrication, or other services on behalf of the Purchaser, amounts of special nuclear material necessary for implementation of supplemental contracts hereunder.

B. With respect to material which is to be furnished the purchaser directly, the Seller shall, subject to such terms, charges, conditions and licenses as may be required, deliver the material on f.o.b. commercial conveyance at a facility of the Seller to a transporter arranged for by the Purchaser. Delivery of material in containers to the transporter arranged for by the Purchaser shall be deemed delivery of such material and containers to the Purchaser. At the time of such delivery the Purchaser or its authorized agent shall sign an appropriate written receipt therefor and shall assume full arid complete responsibility for the material. Tne transporter shall transport the material to a port of export in the United States of America to be designated by the Seller after consultation with the Purchaser, and the Seller shall thereupon perform those actions required to authorize the export of the material to the Purchaser.

C. With respect to material which is to be furnished to the Purchaser's United States contractor for purposes of processing, fabrication or other services on behalf of the Purchaser, the Seller shall make the material available at a facility of the Seller unless the material is to be drawn from the contractor's own material inventory Upon completion of the contractor's services the Purchaser shall cause the contractor to submit to the Seller a written certification of the contractor'sdetermination of the isotopic content and quantity of the special nuclear material. After the Seller's. receipt of the aforesaid certificate the Purchaser shall arrange through its aforesaid United States contractor for transportation and delivery of the material to a port of export in the United States to be designated by the Seller after consultation with the Purchaser. Transportation of the material shall be effected after 30 days' written notice unless otherwise agreed, by the Purchaser to the Seller and shall be subject to such conditions and licenses as the Seller may require. Upon delivery of the material to the port of export the Seller shall perform those actions required to effect delivery and authorize the export of the material to the Purchaser. All costs of domestic and overseas transportation and delivery (including costs of containers and packaging) and of storing the material, as well as all arrangements for physically handling the material in connection with such delivery shall be the responsibility of the Purchaser and not the Seller. The Purcheser or its duly authorised agent shall accept delivery of the material at the designated port of export, and shall sign an appropriate written receipt therefor, whereupon the Purchaser shall assume full and complete responsibility for the special nuclear material contained therein.

D. Title; to any special nuclear material sold hereunder shall vest in the Purchaser at the time such special nuclear material leaves the jurisdiction of the United States.

IV Responsibility

A. After special nuclear material has been delivered to the Purchaser's transporter as provided in Article III B. the Purchaser shall hold the Seller harmless from any and all liability (including third party liability) for any cause whatsoever arising out of or resulting from the transport of such material to the designated port and shall be responsible to the Seller for loss of or damage to such material during such transport and for such charges (determined in accordance with the Seller's established pricing policy) as the Setter may require with respect to such material, provided that the responsibility of the Government of Japan shall be subject to the provisions of the Agreement for Cooperation. Nothing in this paragraph shall deprive the Purchaser or any other person of any rights under Section 170 of the United States Atomic Energy Act of 1954, 'as amended.

B. The application and1 use of any material delivered by the Seller to the Purchaser pursuant to supplemental contracts under this Agreement shall be the responsibility of the Purchaser, and the Seller makes no warranty, express, implied or statutory, concerning such material or its suitability for any particular use or application.

V Time of Delivery.

   The Seller will make reasonable efforts to deliver the special nuclear material which is the subject of sale hereunder at the time stated in the Contract of Sale, but neither the Seller nor persons acting on behalf of the Seller shall be subject to any liability for any failure so to deliver.

VI Payment.

  Within sixty (60)days after the date of any invoice of the Seller (such invoice to be dispatched at, or subsequent to, the time of the Purchaser's acceptance of delivery, as specified in Article III of the special nuclear material sold hereunder) the Purchaser shall compensate the Seller for the material at its value as of the time delivery of the material is accepted hereunder. Payment shall be made in United States currency and shall be paid to the Seller or its designated agent or contractor. Failure to receive payment within sixty (60) days after the date of the invoice shall entitle the Seller to an additional charge at six percent (6%) per annum on such amounts.

VII Determination of Material Quantities and Properties.

A. The properties of the special nuclear material sold by the Seller to the Purchaser hereunder which, has been made available pursuant to Article III C to any contractor engaged or arranged for by the Purchaser for the Purpose of processing, fabrication, or other services on behalf of the purchaser shall be deemed the same as the properties of such special nuclear material made available by the Seller to such contractor as determined pursuant to the Special Nuclear Material Lease Agreement or other supply arrangement between the Seller and the contractor covering said material.

B. (1) The guantity of special nuclear material sold by the Seller to the Purchaser hereunder, which has been made available pursuant to Article III C to any contractor engaged or arranged for by the Purchaser solely for the purpose of analysis and measurement shall, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, be deemed the same as the quantities of such special nuclear material made available by the Seller to such contractor as determined pursuant to the Special Nuclear Material Lease Agreement or other supply arrangement between the Seller and said contractor covering said material.

(2) The quantity of special nuclear material sold by the Seller to the Purchaser hereunder which has been made available pursuant to Article III C to any contractor engaged or arranged for by the Purchaser for the purpose of processing, fabrication or other service, except analysis and measurement, on behalf of the purchaser shall be deemed the same as the quantity of the special nuclear material certified by the contractor to the Seller pursuant to Article III C, as such quantity may be thereafter accepted or revised by the Seller after any reviews or analysis which the Seller may consider appropriate.

C. Where the special nuclear material sold hereunder is delivered at a facility of the Seller to a transporter arranged for by the Purchaser for direct shipment to a port of export pursuant to Article III B, supra, the quantities and properties of such special nuclear material shall be as determined by the Seller. If. such special nuclear material fails to conform to the Seller's established specifications, the responsibility and liability of the Seller and persons acting on behalf of the Seller for such failure shall be limited solely to correcting such discrepancies by delivery of special nuclear material which does conform to the applicable specifications, at a facility in the United States of America designated by the Seller, in exchange for the nonconforming material. The Seller will reimburse the Purchaser for the reasonable costs of packaging and transportation for returning any material which does not conform to such specifications as well as the transportation charges for shipping conforming replacement material.

D. The quantities and properties determined pursuant to the foregoing sub-paragraphs of this Article VII shall be final and binding for purposes of this Agreement.

E. The responsibility and liability of the Seller and persons acting on behalf of the Seller for failure to make available pursuant to Article III C to a contractor engaged or arranged for by the Pur-chaser special nuclear material meeting the Seller's established specifications shall be limited to the Seller's liability and responsibility for same to the contractor under the Special Nuclear Material Lease Agreement or other supply arrangement between the Seller and the said contractor.

VIII No Assignment.

   The Purchaser may not assign this Agreement or any rights or interests hereunder without the express written consent of the Seller and then only in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement for Cooperation and any amendments or revisions thereto.

IX Officials Not to Benefit.

   It is understood that, in accordance with the laws of the Government of the United States of America, no Member of the Congress of the United States of America, or Resident Commissioner of the United States of America, shall be admitted to or share any part of this Agreement or any benefit that may arise therefrom.

X Agreement lor Cooperation.

   The sale which is the subject of this Agreement shall be in all respects subject to and in accordance with all of the terms, conditions, and provisions of the Agreement for Cooperation and any amendments or revisions thereto, it being understood that the safeguards and guarantees specified in Articles 9 and 10 of the Agreement for Cooperation will always apply to any material transferred hereby except any material subsequently transferred by the Purchaser, with the approval of the Seller, to a nation or group of nations with which the Government of the United States of America has an

   Agreement for Cooperation within the scope of which such subsequent transfer falls and except to extent that safeguards provided for in the extent that safeguards provided for in the Agreement for Cooperation are suspended during the term of the Agreement between the International Atomic Energy Agency, the Government of Japan, and the Government of the United States of America for the Application of Safeguards by the Agency to the Bilateral Agreement between Those Governments Concerning Civil Uses. of Atomic Energy, signed at Vienna, September 23, 1963. In the event of incompatibility between the Agreement and the Agreement for Cooperation the latter shall govern.



   The Government of Japan (hereinafter referred to as the "Purchaser") agrees to purchase from the United States Atomic Energy Commission, acting on behalf of the Government of the United States of America (hereinafter referred to as the "Seller"), and the Seller agrees to sell to the Purchaser, the following described material pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Agreement for Cooperation between the Government of Japan and the Government of the United States of America Concerning Civil Uses of Atomic Energy, signed at Washington on June 16, 1958, as amended and subject to the Agreement on Sale of Special Nuclear Material for Research Purposes between the Government of Japan and the United States Atomic Energy Commission Acting on Behalf of the Government of the United States of America, signed on August 30, 1965, the terms and provisions of which are hereby made a part of this Contract as if incorporated at length herein. The material sold hereunder will be used                      .

Material Charges

Ship to:       Bill to:_       .




Delivery Date:_         Shipping Instructions:       .







_                    .

DATE:_        DATA:         .

(Japanese letter)

Dear Mr        :

   I refer to the Agreement on Sale of Special Nuclear Material for Research Purposes between the Government of Japan and the United States Atomic Energy Commission Acting for and on Behalf of the Government of the United States of America, which was signed today, and wish to state the following understandings which have been reached during our negotiations leading to the conclusion of the Agreement:

1. With reference to paragraph III A and C of the Attachment to the Agreement, it is under stood that, with respect to special nuclear material sold under this Agreement to be distributed to an authorized user in Japan, the Government of Japan may cause such authorized user to engage the transporter of such material and to pay the cost due to such transporter as well as the costs of containers, withdrawal, packaging, handling and storing such material.

   It is further understood, however, that the Government of Japan will continue to be responsible under the Agreement to the United States Atomic Energy Commission for assuring that transportation arrangements in connection with delivery of the material under the Agreement are adequately provided for and that the costs thereof, as well as the costs of containers, withdrawal, packaging, handling and storing of such materials, are paid.

2. With reference to paragraph IV.A. of the Attachment to the Agreement, it is understood that if and when any amendment is made to sections 11 r and 170 d of the United States Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Seller and the Purchaser will consult with each other on problems which may, as a result of such amendment, arise out of the application of the said paragraph IV.A. of the Attachment to the Agreement.

3. With reference to paragraph IX of the Attachment to the Agreement, it is understood that the article is not intended to mean that the Purchaser shall, without its consent, be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Government of the United States of America. In no way, however, is the foregoing understanding intended to alter the general rules followed in the United States with respect to suits involving foreign Governments.

   It would be greatly appreciated if you would confirm the above understandings.

Sincerely yours,

(U.S. letter)

Dear Mr. :

   I refer to your letter dated today in connectionwith the Agreement on Sale of Special Nuclear Material to Research Purposes between the United States Atomic Energy Commission Acting for and on Behalf of the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Japan, which was signed today, in which you states the following understandings on certain matters in respect of the Agreement.

1. ・・・・・・・・・・

2. ・・・・・・・・・・

3 ・・・・・・・・・・

   I would like to take this opportunity to confirm our understandings of the matters set forth above. Sincerely yours,

(U.S. letter)

Dear Mr. :

   I refer to the Agreement on Sale of Special Nuclear Material for Research Purposes between the United States Atomic Energy Commission Acting for and on Behalf of the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Japan, which was signed today, and wish to set forth the following understandings on certain matters in respect of the Agreement.

  The Agreement shall be construed according to the laws applicable in the Federal Courts of the United States of America for contracts in the United States of America to which the Government of the United States is a party.

  It is understood that the foregoing provision is not intended to mean that the Government of Japan shall, without its consent, be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Government of the

  United States of America. In no way, however, is the foregoing understanding intended to alter the general rules followed in the United States with respect to suits involving foreign Governments.

  I would greatly appreciate it if you would confirm our understanding of the matters set forth above.

Sincerely yours,

(Japanese letter)

Dear Mr       :

    I refer to your letter dated today in connection with the Agreement on safe of Special Nuclear Material for Research Purposes between the Government of Japan and the United States Atomic Energy Commission Acting for and on Behalf of the Government of the United States of America, which was signed today, in which you set forth the following understandings on certain matters in respect of the Agreement.

   The Agreement shall be construed according to the laws applicable in the Federal Courts of the United States of America for contracts in the United States of America to which the Government of the United States is a party.

   It is understood that the foregoing provision is not intended to mean that the Government of Japan shall, without its consent, be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Government of the United States of America. In no way, however, is the foregoing understanding intended to alter the general rules followed in the United States with respect to suits involving foreign Governments.

   I would like to take this opportunity to confirm our understanding of the matters set forth above.

Sincerely yours,