
第1章 一般規定への追加

第2規則 (定義)

第8章 原子力船の新設

第1規則 (適用)本章の規定は軍艦を除くすべての原子力船に適用する。

第2規則 (本章以外の規定の適用)本条約の本章以外の規定は、本章の各規定により修正されたものを除き、原子力船にも適用する。

第3規則 (免除)原子力船は如何なる場合においても本条約の各規定につき免除されることはない。

第4規則 (原子炉設置の許可)原子炉の設計、構造並びに、検査および組立の基準については主管官庁の許可および承認を受けなければならない。又これらは放射線の存在の下において検査を行なうための考慮を払わねばならない。

第5規則 (原子炉の船舶への設置の適応性)原子炉の設置に際しては海上における原子力船のあらゆる航海状態を考慮して設計されねばならない。

第6規則 (放射性に対する安全性の確保)主管官庁は海上および港内において、乗組員、乗客、公衆、水路、食物または水産資源に対して、不当な放射線の曝射又は他の核的災害を生じないことを確かめるための立法措置を講ずること。

第7規則 (安全審査書)安全審査書は原子力船が海上および港内において、乗組員、乗客、公衆、水路、食物又は水産資源に対して、不当な放射線の曝射又は他の災害をもたらさないことを確めるため、原子力プラント及び原子力船の安全性の評価を行なうために作成されねばならない。主管官庁は、安全審査書の内容が妥当であると認めたときはこれを承認しなければならない。又安全審査書は常に現状に合致していなくてはならない。


第8規則 (運転方法書)原子力プラントの運転および安全性を十分に確保するために必要なあらゆる事項について、原子力プラントの運転者の手引となる詳細に記述された運転方法書を作成し、これを主管官庁の承認を受けた上で、その写を船舶に備えておかなければならない。又運転方法書は常に現状に合致していなければならない。

第9規則 (検査)原子力船の検査は、放射線の存在により制限されるものを除き、第1章の第7規則、第8規則、第9規則および第10規則の各規定により要求されるものを含むものとする。更に、原子力船の検査は安全審査書における各特別な要求事項についてもこれを含むものとする。原子力船の検査は、第1章の第8規則および第10規則の規定に拘らず、すべて1年を越えざる期間毎に行なうものとする。

第10規則 (証書)第1章第12規則(a)および第1章第14規則の各規定は原子力船には適用しない。






第11規則 (特別な監督)原子力船は、第1章第19規則による監督に加えて本船が有効なる原子力船安全証書を備えているか否か。および本船が海上又は港内において、乗組員、乗客、公衆、水路、食物又は水産資源に対し不当な放射線の曝射又は他の災害を生じないということを確認するために締約政府の港に入る前および港の中において行なわれる特別な監督に従わねばならない。

第12規則 (海難)災害が周辺に及ぶと思われる事故が発生した場合には、原子力船の船長は直ちに主管官庁に通報すること。亦船長は直ちに本船が位置する海域または損傷状態のまま近接せんとする海域の国の関係政府機関に対しても通報すること。































7.乗 組 員













Regulation 2 Definitions

  For the purpose of the present Regulations, unless expressly provided otherwise : -
(j) A nuclear ship is a ship provided with a nuclear power plant.


Regulation 1 Application
  This Chapter applies to all nuclear ships except ships of war.

Regulation 2 Application of other Chapters
  The Regulatios contained in the other Chapters of the present Convention apply to nuclear ships except as modified by this Chapter.

Regulation 3 Exemptions
  A nuclear ship shall not, in any circumstances, be exempted from compliance with any Regulations of this Convention.

Regulation 4 Approval of Reactor Installation
  The design, construction, and standards of inspection and assembly of the reactor installation shall be subject to the approval and satisfaction of the administration and shall take account of the limitations which will be imposed on surveys by the presence of radiation.

Regulation 5 Suitability of Reactor Installation for Service on board Ship
  The reactor installation shall be designed having regard to the special conditions of service on board ship both in normal and exceptional circumstances of navigation.

Regulation 6 Radiation Safety
  The Administration shall take measures to ensure that there are no unreasonable radiation or other nuclear hazards, at sea or in port, to the crew, passengers, or public, or to the waterways or food or water resources.

Regulation 7 Safety Assessment
(a) A Safety Asseessment shall be prepared to permit evaluation of the nuclear power plant and safety of the ship to ensure that there are no unreasonable radiation or other hazards, at sea or in port, to the crew, passengers or public, or to the waterways or food or water resources. The Administration, when satisfied, shall approve Such Safety Assessment which shall always be kept up-to-date.

(b) The Safety Assesment shall be made available sufficiently in advance to the Contracting Governments of the countries which a nuclear ship intends to visit so that they may evaluate the safety of the ship.

Regulation 8 Operating Manual
  A fully detailed Operating Manual shall be prepared for the information and guidance of the operating personnel in their duties on all matters relating to the operation of the nuclear power plant and having an important bearing on safety. The Administration, when satisifed, shall approve Such Operating Manual and a copy shall be kept on board the ship. The Operating Manual shall always be kept up-to-date.

Regulation 9 Surveys
  Survey of nuclear ships shall include the applicable requirements of Regulation 7 of Chapter I, or of Regulations 8, 9 and 10 of Chapter I, except insofar as surveys are limited by the presence of radiation. In addition, the surveys shall include any special requirements of the Safety Assessment.

  They shall in all cases, not withstanding the provisions of Regulations 8 and 10 of Chapter I, be carried out not less frequently than once a year.

Regulation 10 Certificates
(a) The provisions of sub-paragraph (a) of Regulation 12 of Chapter I and of Regulation 14 of Chapter I shall not apply to nuclear ships.

(b) A Certificate, called a Nuclear Passenger Ship Safety Certificate shall be issued after inspection and survey to a nuclear passenger ship which complies with the requirements of Chapters II, III, IV, and VIII, and any other relevant requirements of the present Regulations.

(c) A Certificate, called a Nuclear Cargo Ship Safety Certificate shall be issued after inspection and survey to a nuclear cargo ship which satisfies the requirements for cargo ships on survey set out in Regulation 10 of Chapter I, and complies with the requirements of Chapters II, III, IV and VIII, and any other relevant requirements of the present

(d) Nuclear Passenger Ship Safety Certificates and Nuclear Cargo Ship Safety Certificates shall state: "That the ship, being a nuclear ship, complied with all requirements of Chapter VIII of the Convention and conformed to the Safety Assessment approved for the ship."

(e) Nuclear Passenger Ship Safety Certificates and Nuclear Cargo Ship Safety Certificates shall be valid for a period of not more than 12 months.

(f) Nuclear Passenger Ship Safety Cerilficates and Nuclear Cargo Ship Safety Certificates shall be issued either by the Administration or by any person or organization duly authorized by it. In every case, that Administration assumes full responsibility for the certificate.

Regulation 11 Special Control
  In addition to the control established by Regulation 19 of Chapter I, nuclear ships shall be subject to special control before entering the Ports and in the ports of Contracting Governments, directed towards verifying that there is on board a valid Nuclear Ship Safety Certificate and that there are no unreasonable radiation or other hazards at sea or in port, to the crew, passengers or public, or to the waterways or food or water resources.

Regulation 12 Casualties
  In the event of any accident likely to lead to an environmental hazard the master of a nuclear ship shall immediately inform the Administration. The master shall also immediately inform the competent Govemmental authority of country in whose waters the ship may be, or whose waters the ship approaches in a damaged condition.


Note: Throughout the following Recommendations, "present Convention" means the "International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1960."

  Attention is drawn to the Regulations conceming nuclear ships in. Chapter VIII of the present Convention.

1. General Safety of Nuclear Ships
(a) Since a casualty involving the non-nuclear features of a nuclear ship, such as a steering gear failure, fire or collision, and so forth, could endanger the nuclear power plant, it is desirable that these features should provide for the maximum practicable safety. A nuclear ship should comply with the relevant requirements of the present Con vention, the Administration and a recognised Classification Society. Components and systems such as water-tight sub-division, Are protection, bilge pumping arrangements, fire extinguishing arrangements, electrical installations, steering gear, astern power, stability and navigational aids should receive special consideration to ensure that adequate protection is given to the ship to minimise the hazards peculiar to the nuclear power plant. Consideration should be given to the results of past marine casualties involving similar size ships with the intent of preventing the dangerous uncontrolled release of radioactive or toxic materials in the event of similar casualties.

(b) Special attention should be given to general strength of structural strength of nuclear ships and to the local structures in and around the reactor compartment.

(c) A nuclear ship should remain aaoat and have sufficient stability when not less than any two adjacen tmain watertight compartments are flooded, in all anticipated conditions of loading.

(d) Fire protection systems and the watertight integrity should be at least equivalent to the highest standards of the present Convention.

2. General Requirements of Nulcear power Plant
(a) It should be demonstrated by calculation and experiment that the properties of the plant and the nature of the enclosure provide the maximum practicable protection against accidents or failures resulting in unreasonable radiation at sea or in port, to the crew, passengers, or public, or to the waterways, or food or water resources.

(b) The reactor installation should be designed to prevent an uncontrolled chain reaction under all foreseeable operational and accident conditions including sinking of the ship.

(c) A nuclear ship equipped with a single-reactor nuclear power plant, the dependability of which has not been proven, Should be provided with an emergency propulsion plant capable of propelling the ship at a navigable speed. Such emergency propulsion plant should be in a state of readiness whenever the ship is navigating in territorial waters.

(d) The nuclear power plant should be such as to ensure manoeuvrability equivalent to that of a similar conventional ship.

(e) Requirements for standby emergency components for the conventionai portions of the nuclear power plant should be in accordance with those for a similar conventional ship. Standby and emergency nuclear components should be considered and developed in relation to the type of nuclear power plant used.

(f) Where standby systems are essential to the safe operation of the reactor installation, they should be so separated from the main systems as to give maximum protection in the event of an accident.

(g) An emergency source of power should be provided which is capable of fumishing power to the components necessary for safely shutting down the reactor installation and retaining it in a safe condition.

(h) The reactor compartment should contain no inflammable materials other than those necessary for use in the reactor installation.

(i) Reactor materials which are chemically reactive with air or water to a dangerous degree should not be used unless it can be shown that adequate safeguards are incorporated in the particular stem.

(j) The machinery and reactor installation should be designed to operate satisfactorily under seagoing conditions having regard to the ship's attitude, accelerations and vibrations.

(k) Reactor cooling systems should provide for the safe removal of decay heat from the reactor and should prevent excessive temperature conditions under all foreseeable cperational and accident conditions at angles of heel and list within the stability range. Failure of decay heat removal facilities should not result in the release of hazardous amounts of radioactive or toxic materials from the enclosure of the reactor installation.

(l) Adequate reactor controls. protective devices and instrumentaLtion should be provided.
(m) Necessary controls and instrumentation should be arranged to permit control of the reactor installation from outside its enclosure.

3. Protection and Enclosure of Reactor Installation
(a) The reactor installation should be so arranged, protected and securely fastened as to minimize the probability of its damage in the event of a ship accident.

(b) The reactor installation should be provided with enclosures, systems, or arrangements which in the event of damage to its components will prevent the release of hazardous amounts of radioactive or toxic materials into service and accommodation spaces and the ship's environment. These outer enclosures, systems, or. arrangements should be subjected to suitable tests to demonstrate satisfactory performance under all foreseeable conditions of accident.

(c) The enclosures, systems, or arrangements should be kcated in such a manner as to minimize damage in the event of collision or grouding. In construction, arrangements should be made, if practicable, to facilitate the possible salvage of the reactor or of its essential parts from the vessel in the event of shipwreck, without adversely affecting the safety of the reactor instllation under normal conditions.

(d) Facilities should be provided to ensure that fires within and without the reactor installation do not impair the integrity of the enclosures, systens, or arrangements provided, or the arrangements provided for safely shutting down the reactor installation and retaining it in a safe condition.

4. Shielding and Radiation Safety
(a) A nuclear power plant should be provided with reliable biological shielding to protect persons on board ship or within the immediate vicinity of the ship against hazardous effect of radiation under normal and accident conditions. Maximum permissible levels of radiation in accommodation and service spaces should be in accordance with international levels when established.

(b) Maintenance and operation instructions in regard to appropriate radiation protection should be worked out for every nuclear ship. Knowledge of these instructions by the nuclear power plant personnel should be periodically checked by the Administration.

(c) Radiation monitoring instruments should be installied at appropriate locations. These should give waning in the event of any radiation exceeding a predetermined safe level.

5. Radioactive Wastes
(a) Special arrangements should be provided for the safe temporary storage, where necessary, and for the safe disposal of solid, liquid and gaseous radioactive wastes.

(b) Monitoring devices should be provided for these waste disposal systems. These should give waming and, if necessary take action, in the event of any radiation exceeding a predetermined safe level.

(c) The maximum permissible levels oi radiation for waste disposal on the high seas should be in accordance with international levels when established.

6. Fuelling and Maintenance
(a) Reactor fuelling shoud be carried out exclusively at locations suitably equipped for this purpose.

(b) Arrangements should be provided to ensure that de-fuelling, refuellig, servising and maintenance can be carried oui without unacceptable exposure of personnel to radiation and without hazardous release of radioactive or toxic materils to the environment.

7. Manning
  The master, officers and members of the crew of a nuclear ship should possess qualifications and have undergone proper training appropriate to their responsibilties and duties in accordance with arrangements provided by the Administration. Such personnel should also be instructed as to the precautions to be taken in the matter of radiological protection.

8. Operating Manual
  The operating Manual should provide detailed operatig procedures for the various equipment and systems under normal and accident conditions, as well as provide for the maintenance of adequate records of operration, radiation levels, waste disposal, and tests and inspections pertnent to the safety of the reactor installation.

9. Safety Assessment
(a) The Safefty Assessment should include sufficiently detailed infomation to permit qualified personnel to assess the safety of the ship and its power plant, including standards and procedures followed, and to determine whether initial and continued perfomance will be safe. Typical items which the safety assessment should include are a discrption of the ship; propulsion and reactor systems a discussion of the operation under normal sea, port and emergency conditions; a discription of reactor control ; protection and enclosure ; radiation protection; radioactive waste disposal; fuelling; standby and emergency components ; test procedures ; manning and training requirement; and an evaluation of credible accidents which indicates that the hazrds are minimised. The Safety Assessment should indicate that the reactor installation does not constitute an undue hazard, to the crew, passengers, or the public, or to the waterways, or food or water resources.

(b) The content of the Safety Assessment should not be considered limited to the information suggested herein; and such additional specific data as necessary should be made available. The complete Safety Assessment should be prepared for the first installation of a reactor type in a ship type. For second and following generation reactor and ship types where performance and safety have been demonstrated, accpetance may be based on an analysis of deviations from the previous design.

10. Publication of Requirements
 The Contracting Governments should publish any special requirements which they make regarding the approach, entry into, or stay in their ports of a nuclear ship.

11. Special Control
 After the safety of the nuclear ship and its nucler power plant has been properly established, the following actions should, in general, be adequate to determine their safe operational and conditions : -

(a) Examination of the daily log of the behaviour of the nuclear power plant and equipment, covering a reasonable period of between one week to one month including the stay in the last port.

(b) Determination that the nuclear power plant is properly certified and that any periodic checks required by the Operating Manual have been complied with.

(c) Determination that radiation levels in areas within the ship and in the vicinity of the ship which are accessible to shore personnel are not in excess of maximum permissible levels specified by the Operating Manual to be determined by examination of the ship's records or by independent measurement.

(d) Determination of the quantity and activity of radionctive waste stored abord the ship by examination of the ship's records or by independent measurement, and of the prccedures and programme for any disposal.

(e) Determination that the reactor installation protection and enclosure is intact, and that any programme involving a breach of its integrity complies with the requirements of the Operating Manual.

(f) Determinaton that convetional and emergency arrangements and equipment, the reliability of which is essential when navigating in narrow waters, are in efhcient operating condition.

Form of Safety Certificate for Nuclear Passenger Ship


I. That the above-mentioned ship has been duly surveyed in accordance with the provision of the Convention referred to above.

II. That the ship, being a unclear ship, complied with all requirements of Chapter VIII of the Convention and conformed to the Safety Assessment approved for the ship.

III. That the survey showed that the ship complied with the requiremets of the Regulations annexed to the said Convention as regards:-

(1) the structure, main and auxiliary boilers and ohter pressure vessels and machinery ;
(2) the watertight subdivision arrangements and details ;
(3) the following subdivision loadlines:-

IV. That the life-saving appliances provided for a total number of・・・・・・
・・・・・・persons and no more, viz:-
・・・・・・lifeboats (including・・・・・・motor lifeboats) capable of accommodating・・・・・・persons, and・・・・・・・・・motor lifeboats fitted with radiotelegraph installation and searchlight (included in the total lifeboats shown above) and・・・・・・motor lifeboats, fitted with searchlight only (also included in the total lifeboats shown above) , requiring・・・certificated lifeboatmen ;
・・・・・・liferafts, for which approved launching devices are required capable of accommodating・・・・・・・・・・・・ persons; and
・・・・・・liferafts, for which approved launching devices are not required, capable of accommodating・・・ persons ;
・・・・・・buoyant apparatus capable of supporting・・・・・・ Persons ;

V. That the ifeboats and liferafts were equipped in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations.

VI. That the ship was provided with a linethrowing appliance and portable radio apparatus for survival craft, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations.

VII. That the ship complied with the reguirements of the Regulations as regards radiotelegraph installations, viz: -

VIII. That the functioning of the radiotelegraph installations for motor lifeboats and/or the portable radio apparatus for survival craft, if provided, complied with the provisions of the Regulations.

IX. That the ship complied with the requirements of the Regulations as regards fire-detecting and fire-extinguishing appliances and was provided with navigation lights and shapes, pilot ladder, and means of making sound signals and distress signals, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations and also the International Collision Regulations.

 This certificate is issued under the authority of the Goverment. It will remain in force until Issued at the day of 19 .

 Here follows the seal or signature of the authority entitled to issue the certificate.


 If signed, the following paragraph is to be added:-

 The undersigned declares that he is duly authorised by the said Government to issue this Certificate.


 It will be sufficient to indicate the year in which the keel was laid except for 1952 and the year of the cominb into force of the Internatonal Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1960, in which cases the actual date should be given.

 In the case of a ship which is converted as provided tin Regulation 1 (b) (i) of Chapter II, the date on which the work of conversion was begun should be given.

Form of Safety Certificate Nuclear Cargo Ship


I. That the above-mentioned ship has been duly surveyed in accordance with the provisions of the Convention referred to above.

II. That the ship, beging a nuclear ship, complied with all requirements of Chapter VIII of the Convention and conformed to the Safety Assessment approved for the ship.

III. That the survey showed that the ship satisfied the requirements set out in Regulation 10 of Chapter I of the Covnention as to hull, machinery and equipment, and complied with the relevant require- ments of Chapter II.

IV. That the life-saving appliances provide for a total number of persons and no more, viz:-
・・・・・・lifeboats on port side capable of accommodating・・・・・・persons
・・・・・・lifeboats on starboard side capable of accommodating
・・・・・・motor lifeboats (included in the total lifeboats shown above) , including・・・motor lifeboats fitted with radiotele graph installation and searchlight, and・・・motor lifeboat fitted with searchlight only, ・・・・・・liferafts, for which approved launching devices are required, capable of accommodating・・・・・・ persons; and ・・・・・・liferafts, for which approved launching devices are not required, capable of accommodating

V. That the lifeboats and liferafts were equipped in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations annexed to the Convention.

VI. That the ship was provided with a linethrowing apparatus and portable radio apparatus for survival craft in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations.

VII. That the ship complied with the requirements of the Regulations as regards radiotelegraph installations, viz: -

VIII. That the functioning of the radiotelegraph installations for motor lifeboats and/or the portable radio apparatus for survival craft, if provided, complied with the provisions of the Regulations.

IX. That the inspection showed that the ship complied with the requirements of the said Convention as regards fire-extinguishing appliances and was provided with navigation lights and shapes, pilot ladder, and means of making sound signals and distress signals in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations and the International Collision Regulations.

X. That in all other respects the ship complied with the requirements of the Regulations so far as these requirements apply thereto.

 This certificate is issued under the authority of the Government. It will remain force until Issued at the day of 19 .

 Here follows the seal or signature of the authority entitled to issue the certificate. If signed, the following paragraph is to be added: -

 The undersigned declares that he is duly authorised by the said Government to issue this Certificate.


 It will be sufficient to indicate the year in which the keel was laid except for 1952 and the year of coming into force of the Intemational Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1960 in which cases the actual date should be given.