

 The Government ofJapan and the Government of Canada,


 Conscious of the many benefits,including the increase of energy supplies,the raising of agricultural and industrial production,the wider availability of knowledge and means to combat disease, and the assistance of research directed to wholesome and fruitful purposes,which the application of atomic energy to peaceful uses may be expected to provide,


 Desiring to accelerate and enlarge the contribution which the development of atomic energy can make to the welfare and prosperity of their peoples,


 Recognizing the advantages to them both of effective cooperation in the promotion and development of the peaceful uses of atomic energy,



Intending,therefore,to cooperate with one another to these ends,

Have agreed as follows:

第 1 条

1 この協定が意図する協力は、原子力の平和的利用に関連し、かつ、次に掲げることを含むものとする。


1.The cooperation intended by this Agreement relates to the peaceful uses of atomic energy and includes:


(a)The supply of unclassified information including that relating to:

 (i) 研究及び開発

 (ii) 保健上および安全上の問題

 (iii) 設備及び施設(設計、図面及び仕様書の供給を含む。)並びに

 (iv) 設備、施設、資材、原料物質、特殊核物質及び燃料の使用

 (i)Research and development;

 (ii)Problems of health and safety;

 (iii)Equipment and facilities(including the supply of designs,drawings and specifications);

and(iv)Uses of equipment,facilities,materials, source material,special nuclear material and fuel:


(b)The supply of equipment, facilities, materials, source material, special nuclear material and fuel;


(d)設備及び施設へ近づくこと並びに設備及び施設 の使用


(c)Transfer of patent rights;

(d)Access to and use of equipment and facilities;

(e)The rendering of technical assistance and


2 この条に定める協力は、合意される条件に基いて、かつ、それぞれ日本国及びカナダにおいて有効な関係法令及び許可要件に従って行われるものとする。

2.The cooperation envisaged in this Article shall be effected on terms and conditions to be agreed and in accordance with the laws,regulations and licensing requirements in force in Japan and in Canada respectively.

3 各当事国政府は、他の当事国政府に対して、この協定により又はこれに基いて許可された自己の政府企業及び自己の管轄の下にあるすべての者によってこの協定の規定が受諾され、かつ、遵守されることを確保する責任を負うものとする。

3.Each Contracting Party shall be responsible towards the other for ensuring that the provisions of this Agreement are accepted and comp lied with by all of its governmental enterprises, and by all persons under its jurisdiction,to which authorization has been granted by or pursuant to this Agreement.

第 2 条

1 両当事国政府は、この協定の範囲内の事項について、可能な限り、相互に援助を与える。両当事国政府は、この協定の範囲内の事項について、それぞれの政府企業及び同政府の管轄の下にある者の間の協力を促進し、かつ、容易にする。


1.The Contracting Parties shall,to such extent as is practicable,assist each other on matters within the scope of this Agreement.They shall encourage and facilitate cooperation between their governmental enterprises and persons under their jurisdiction,on matters within the scope of this Agreement.

2 いずれか一方の当事国政府、その政府企業又は同政府の管轄の下にある者は、この協定の範囲内の事項についての情報を、他方の当事国政府又はいずれか一方の当事国政府の政府企業若しくは同政府の管轄の下にある者に供給し、又はこれらから受領することができる。

2.Either Contracting Party,its governmental enterprises or persons under its jurisdiction may supply to or receive from the other Contracting Party or governmental enterprises,or persons under the jurisdiction of either Contracting Party,information on matters within the scope of this Agreement.

3 いずれか一方の当事国政府の政府企業又は同政府の管轄の下にある者は、自国政府の一般的又は個別的許可を得て、設備、施設、資材、原料物質、特殊核物質及び燃料を、商業的条件又は他に合意されるところに従って、他方の当事国政府、その政府企業又は同政府の管轄の下にある許可された者に供給し、又はこれらから受領することができる。

3.Governmental enterprises,and persons under the jurisdiction,of either Contracting Party may, with the general or specific authorization of their Government, supply to or receive from the other Contracting Party,its governmental enterprises or authorized persons under its jurisdiction,equipment,facilities,materials,source material,special nuclear material and fuel,on commercial terms or as otherwise agreed.

4 いずれか一方の当事国政府の政府企業又は同政府の管轄の下にある者は、必要がある場合には自国政府の一般的又は個別的許可を得て、この協定の範囲内の事項について、他方の当事国政府、その政府企業又は同政府の管轄の下にある許可された者と直接に取引し、及び他方の当事国政府、その政府企業又は同政府の管轄の下にある許可された者のために役務を行い、又はこれらから役務を受けることができる。

4.Governmental enterprises,and persons under the jurisdiction,of either Contracting Party may, with the general or specific authorization of their Government if required,deal directly with, and perform or receive services for or from the other Contracting Party,its governmental enterprises or authorized persons under its jurisdiction on matters within the scope of this Agreement.

 第 3 条



 Any supply pursuant to this Agreement shall be subject to the provisions of this Agreement and,in particular,to the following conditions:


(a)Information obtained by either Contracting Party pursuant to this Agreement may be transferred to a third party,unless otherwise specified at or before the time of supply;


(b)(i)Unless otherwise specified by the supplying Contracting Party at or before the time ofinitial supply,equipment and materials obtained pursuant to this Agreement,and identified material,may be transferred to governmental enterprises of the recipient Contracting Party and persons under the jurisdiction of the said Contracting Party subject,however,to the specific authorization of the latter;


(ii)Equipment(other than nuclear reactors) and materials obtained pursuant to this Agreement shall not be transferred beyond the jurisdiction of the recipient Contracting Party,if so specified by the supplying Contracting Party at or before the time of initial supply;


(iii)Identified material and nuclear reactors obtained pursuant to this Agreement shall not be transferred beyond the jurisdiction of the recipient Contracting Party without the prior written consent of the supplying Contracting Party;

(c)原料物質、特殊核物質又は燃料は、供給当事国 政府に対し、特定物質の使用から生じ、かつ、受 領当事国政府、その政府企業又は同政府の管轄の 下にある者の使用に必要な量をこえる特殊核物質 のいかなる量をも平和的目的にのみ使用するため 購入する優先権を与えることを条件として、供給 されるものとする。

(c)Source material,special nuclear material or fuel shall be supplied subject to the granting of an option to the supplying Contracting Party to purchase for use for peaceful puroses only any quantity of special nuclear material derived from the use of identified material as may be in excess of the quantities needed for the use of the recipient Contracting Party, its governmental enterprises or persons under its jurisdiction;


(d)Source material,special nuclear material and fuel obtained pursuant to this Agreement shall not be processed or altered in form or content after irradiation except as authorized in writing by the supplying Contracting Party, and processing and alteration so authorized shall be effected in facilities acceptable to the supplying Party;


(e)Representatives of the Contracting Parties shall consult with each other on the matter of precautions with which identified material is to be secured.

第 4 条

1 該当する保障措置が3に定めるところに従い国際原子力機関によって実施されるまでの間、各供給当事国政府は、この協定の規定が遵守されていること、特に、特定物質が平和的目的のためにのみ利用されていることを確認することを許されるものとし、このため、供給当事国政府は、次のことを行う権利を有する。


1.Until such time as the relevant safeguards are administered by the International Atomic Energy Agency as envisaged in paragraph 3 of this Article,each supplying Contracting Party shall be permitted to assure itself that of this Agreement are complied particular, that identified material is being used for peaceful purposes only,and to that end the supplying Contracting Party shall have the right to:


(a)Examine the design of equipment(including nuclear reactors)or facilities in which identified material is to be used or stored,with a view to ensuring that such identified material will not further any military purpose and that effective application of the safeguards provided for in this Agreement shallbe feasible;


(b)Require the maintenance and production of adequate records to assistin ensuring accountability for identified material,and call for and receive periodic reports based on such records ;


(c)Satisfy itself that the means to be used for the chemical processing of identified material after irradiation will not lend themselves to diversion of identified material to military use;


(e) Send representatives, designated by it after consultation with the other Contracting Party, into the territory under the jurisdiction of the latter, which representatives shall have access at all times to all places, equipment and facilities where identified material is used, stored or locatedチCto all data relating to such identified material, and to all persons who by reason of their occupation deal with such identified material or such data, as may be necessary to account for all identified material and to determine whether such identified material is being used for peaceful purposes only, Such representatives, provided they shall not thereby be delayed or otherwise impeded in the exercise of their functions, shall be accompanied by representatives of the other Contracting Party if the latter so requests.

2 いずれか一方の当事国政府の代表者その他の職員は、この条の規定から生ずる自己の公的任務により産業上の秘密又は他の秘密の情報を入手したときは、それらの情報を漏らしてはならない。ただし、この条に基く自己の政府に対する責任に従う場合はこの限りでない。

2. Subject to their responsibilities to their respective governments pursuant to the provisions of this Article,representatives and other officials of either Contracting Party who by reason of their official duties arising from the provisions of this Article might acquire any industrial secret or other confidential information shall not make any disclosure of such information.

3 国際原子力機関が創設した保障機構を可能な限りすみやかに利用することが両当事国政府の意図であるので、両当事国政府は、この協定に関し、両当事国政府が随時合意する点において及び合意する範囲まで、保障措置を原子力機関憲章第12条の規定に従って適用することを同機関に要請することができる。いずれか一方の当事国政府の要請があったときは、前記の合意に達するための協議を行うものとする。

3.It being the intention of the Contracting Parties to avail themselves,as soon as practicable, of the safeguards facilities created by the International Atomic Energy Agency,the Contracting Parties may,in respect of this Agreement, request the said Agency to apply,in such respects and to such extent as the Contracting Parties may from time to time agree,safeguards in accordance with Article XII of the Statute of the said Agency.Consultations looking to such agreement shall take place upon the request of either Contracting Party.

4 各当事国政府は、特定物質が軍事的目的を助長していると決定したときは、他方の当事国政府に対し是正措置を執ることを要求する権利を有するものとし、また、この措置が妥当な期間内に執られない場合は、予定された原料物質、特殊核物質及び燃料の引渡を停止し、又は取り消す権利並びに他方の当事国政府の管理下又は管轄内にあるすべての特定物質の返還を要求する権利を有するものとする。

4.Each Contracting Party,if it has determined that identitfied material is futhering a military purpose,shall have the right to call upon the other Contracting Party to take corrective steps and,in case such steps are not taken within a reasonable time,shall have the right to suspend or cancel scheduled delivery of source material, special nuclear material and fuel, and to require the return of all identified material under the control or within the jurisdiction of the other Contracting Party.

第 5 条

1 次に掲げることは、この協定の範囲から除外されるものとする。



1.There shall be excluded from the scope of this Agreement:

(a)The supply of information,equipment,facilities,or materials,and access to equipment or facilities considered by a Contracting Party as primarily of military significance,and the employment for any military purpose of information,equipment, facilities or materials obtained pursuant to this Agreement or identified material;


(b)The supply ofinformation and the transfer of proprietary or patent rights received from a third party under terms preventing such supply or transfer;


(c)The supply of information developed or owned by,and the transfer of proprietary or patent rights owned by,persons under the jurisdiction of the supplying Contracing Party unless with the consent of and under terms to be specified by such persons;


(d)The supply of information regarded by the supplying Contracting Party as being of commercial value unless under terms specified by the said Contracting Party.

2 この協定のいかなる規定も、供給の時に別段の指定がない限り、この協定に基いて供給される情報の正確性又はこの協定に基いて供給される設備、施設、資材、原料物質、特殊核物質若しくは燃料の特定の使用に対する適合性若しくはそれらの仕様書の正確性に関し、いかなる責任をも課するものと解してはならない。

2.Unless otherwise specified at the time of transmission nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted as imposing any responsibility with regard to the accuracy of any information supplied pursuant to this Agreement,or with regard to the suitability for any particular use or to the accuracy of specifications of equipment, facilities,materials,source material,special nuclear material or fuel supplied pursuant to this Agreement.

第 6 条



 Representatives of the Contracting Parties shall consult with each other from time to time on matters arising out of the application of this Agreement.

第 7 条




 For the purpose of this Agreement,except as otherwise specified therein:

(a)“Equipment”means any apparatus,device, or machine of particular utility in research, development,use,processing or storage relating to atomic energy activities;


(b)"Facilities" means all plants,buildings or structures containing or incorporating equipment as defined in paragraph(a)of this Article,or otherwise particularly suited or used for atomic energy activities;


(c)"Materials" means all radioactive substances,all other substances of special applicability to or importance in atomic energy activities (such as heavy water and zirconium),and such other substances as may be agreed between the Contracting Parties;but materials shall not include identified material as defined in paragraph(g)of this Article;


(d)"Source material"means uranium containing the mixture ofisotopes occurring in nature; uranium depleted in the isotope235;thorium;any of the foregoing in the form of metal, alloy,Chemical compound orconcentrate;any other material containing one or more of the foregoing in such concentration as may be agreed between the Contracting Parties;and such other material may be agreed between the Contracting Parties;


(e)"Special nuclear material" means plutonium;uranium-233;uranium-235;uranium enriched in the isotopes233 or 235;any material containing one or more of the foregonig;and such other material as may be agreed between the Contracting Parties;but the term special nuclear material”shal not include source material;


(f)"Fuel2" means source material or special nuclear material or both when intended or suitable in form and quantity for introduction into a nuclear reactor to assist in producing or maintaining a nuclear chain reaction;


(g)"Identified material" means source material, special nuclear material or fuel obtained pursuant to this Agreement, or special nuclear material derived from the use of source material,special nuclear material or fuel obtained pursuant to this Agreement or produced in a nuclear reactor obtained pursuant to this Agreement;


(h)“Governmental enterprises”means Atomic Energy of Canada Limited and Eldorado Mining and Refining Limited,as for the Government of Canada,and such other enterprises under the jurisdiction of either Government as may be agreed between the Contracting Parties;


(i)"Persons"means individuals, firms, corporations, companies, partnerships, associations and other entities private or governmental, and their respective agents and localrepresentatives; but the term"persons" shall not include governmental enterprises as defined in paragraph(h)of this Article;


(j)"Unclassified information" means information not bearing the security classification of "confidential","secret" or "top secret".

第 8 条

1 この協定は、各当事国政府によりその国内法上の手続に従って承認されなければならない。この協定は、その承認を通知する外交上の公文の交換の日に効力を生ずる。


1.This Agreement shall be approved by eacb Contracting Party in accordance with its legal procedures and shall enter into force upon the date of exchange of notes indicating such approval

2 この協定は、10年の期間効力を有し、この10年の期間が満了する6箇月前に一方の当事国政府が他方の当事国政府に対し廃棄通告を行わない限り、その後は、廃棄通告を行った後6箇月まで効力を有する。

2.This Agreement shall remain in force for a period of ten years,and thereafter until six months after notice of termination has been given by either Contracting Party to the other, unless such notice has been given six months prior to the expiry of the said period of ten years.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF the underdesigned, duly authorized for this purpose by their respective Governments,have signed this Agreement and have affixed hereunto their seals.


DONE in duplicate at Ottawa this second day ofJuly,one thousand nine hundred and fifty-nine, in the Japanese and English languages,both texts being equally authentic.


萩 原  徹




Toru Hagiwara



議 定 書 



 At the time of signing the Agreement between the Government ofJapan and the Government of Canada for Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy(hereinafter referred to as "the Agreement"),the undersigned,duly authorized by their respective Governments,have further agreed on the following provisions,which shall be considered an integral part of the Agreement;

 The provisions of the Agreement shall apply to any source material which is supplied from Canada to the Japan Atomic Fuel Corporation,as authorized by the Government ofJapan,after the date of signature of the Agreement and prior to the date of entry into force thereof.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned have signed this Protocol and have affixed hereunto their seals.


 DONE in duplicate at Ottawa this second day of July,one thousand nine hundred and fifty-nine,in the Japanese and English languages,both texts being equally authentic.


萩 原   徹




Toru Hagiwara

