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The mission

Establishment of the Atomic Energy Commission
Substantial nuclear research, development and utilization in Japan started as the Atomic Energy Basic Act was enacted on December 19, 1955. The Act stipulated that these activities are limited for peaceful purposes, to be conducted securing the safety, under democratic administration, independently, making the results available to the public, actively contribution to international cooperation, for the purpose of securing future energy source, promoting science and industry, thereby contributing to the betterment of the welfare of the human society and the Japan’s national living standard.

In pursuance of the Act, the Atomic Energy Commission was established on January 1, 1956, in order to carry out the nuclear activities of the Government in a systematic way securing their democratic administration.

Subsequently, the mission of the Commission has been revised in step with the evolution of nuclear activities in Japan, the latest being the Amended Act to Establish the Japan Atomic Energy Commission of December 16, 2014

Commission Tasks
The Commission plans, deliberates and makes decisions on, (1) matters relating to nuclear research, development and utilization policies, (2) matters relating to the coordination of the activities of the Government agencies engaged in such activities, (3) matters relating to the collection of information and conducting of surveys concerning such activities, and (4) matters tasked by laws to the Commission and such other important matters relating to nuclear research, development and utilization. For this purpose the Commission may make recommendations to the heads of the relevant Government agencies in accordance with the Act to Establish the Atomic Energy Commission.

The Commission meets weekly in a regular session. The meeting is open to the public with prior registration.

The Commission is composed three Commissioners who are appointed by the Prime Minister with the consent of the Diet. The Prime Minister designates one of them as Chairman. The term is for three years. The Commission may appoint expert advisors to investigate technical matters. The Office of Atomic Energy Policy of the Cabinet Office serves as Secretariat of the Commission.

The administration of nuclear matters in Japan
The Office also serves as a coordinator of the nuclear activities of such Government agencies as Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and tourism, and Ministry of the Environment. Such agencies are expected to respect the decision of the Commission and conduct their activities accordingly.
The actual works of research, development and utilization are conducted by such independent government agencies as Japan Atomic Energy Agency or National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology, universities and other research institutes, and private enterprises.
